
Dr. Jochen Neuendorff

Prinzenstr. 4
D-37073 Göttingen

Tel.: +49-551-58657
Fax.: +49-551-58774


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Local Certification - Worldwide Reliability

Our inspection and certification services are geographically restricted to the member states of the European Union and Canada

Through our efforts on international harmonization of certification systems and the evaluation of certification bodies by our lead auditors and technical experts we contribute to the international integrity of products from organic agriculture.

General materials and links

Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007.

EU rules on producing and labelling organic products (from 2022 onwards).

Questions and Answers on the new EU-Organic Regulation 2018/848.


TRACES.NT is a database system of the European Union (TRAde Control and Expert System New Technology). Its use is mandatory to map the physical movement of goods in connection with EU imports of organic products. 

For import of products from organic production into the European Community (COI) The main objective of the certificate is to enhance traceability of imported organic products and reduce potential fraud. If you intend to import an organic product into the European Union you will have to comply with EU legislation and in particular both organic and general food legislation. Importers, exporters, producers and consignee of organic products must register with a control body or control authority.

Questions and answers on TRACES.NT (English version) from AOEL, BLQ, DFHV and GfRS